February 2019

“Perfect Storm” Of Lax Liability Laws In Florida Allows Medical Negligence Reports To Build Up

February 21, 2019|Medical Malpractice|

Examining the alarming rise in illnesses and injuries associated with certain cosmetic procedures in Florida, USA Today has published an investigative piece that takes a hard look at how cosmetic surgery clinics sacrifice patient safety in favor of lining surgeon and clinic wallets – and they seem to do it without [...]

Personal Injury Can Take The Form Of Financial Loss As Well As Physical Injury

February 11, 2019|Negligence, Personal Injury|

There's a common misconception that you must be physically injured by another party to file a personal injury or negligence lawsuit. That is not true. In legal terms, "injury" or "loss" can take many forms, including financial losses. We recently represented a client who lost over $100,000 worth of valuables from [...]

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